Thursday 14 March 2013

he fulfils every role I need
a fawning sycophant
baying to the crowd
everyone is in want of a hero
why not make him mine
in want of a hero
in want of a prince
mould him any way i want
there is not need to be alone
Crown of Fury
his vengeance wild
this plastic doll
pretends he's gold
what hurts him he wont know
he doesn't know he's just a device for a girl
I am a plethora of epithets
an unending stream of furtive fumblings in the dark
a quick hello and constant goodbyes.
I come and go
Pleasing is what i do
ending with a comma until i return
with the unspoken promise that i will.
I am never there for long, aren't i sweet?
i know you find me charming
ex-isting only when i'm gone
en-joying the empty silence
when i'm not around to prove you wrong.
A kiss of implied love
not best lost
I stop and linger on your tongue
a cold cut to your mouth when i can
because i can
I am
I am
I am.