Sunday 30 September 2012

I'll stay awake forever
I'm scared that if I close my eyes you'll disappear
I know you deserve better
but I'm too jealous to let you go

it doesn't matter that I'd give you my blood
when he can give you something else
it's not that I want you to feel unloved
it's that I don't want him to love you

I hate to think of you in his embrace
and the thought makes me sick
I want to wipe that smile off his face
every time you touch, every time you kiss

maybe I'm just bitter, in fact I know that I am
love tastes sweeter than I could understand
when it's not wrapped around me
I long for it to return.
Long hair and painted lips
this gothic extreme wants a kiss
she laughs a laugh that bites
the abrasive love that I live
She knows not where she's going to

she leaves with a whisper
I shall see you again
this mermaid on solid land
the nails that cut against skin
reaches out and gives her hand

drowns in clean air
she smokes to feel the burn
against her lips that pull you in
the ones that always leave
a dirty taste that reeks of sin
cold winter winds
that bite and pursue
how could I feel them
when I'm with you

long arms to wrap around
long arms to hold
my pretty baby wraps me up
keeps me from the cold

eyes to ensnare
and a smile to match
I never know what you're thinking
my heads a mess

I'd love you until our hearts grow old
a few drunken fumbles weren't enough
I needed you to hold
hold onto me
until I disappear into the ground

you smile as I nurse
a drink that grows warm
could you tell that I didn't want to let go
and true to form
you go, and I'm left, alone

Saturday 1 September 2012

(old apples)

fermented temptation
slightly past your sell-by-date
just a little overdone
it's a wonder no-one thought to turn you off
when you try and turn them on
a blown out fuse
with a faulty switch
liable to twitch and make you itch
the faintly alluring musk they used to sell
salt and pepper, with not much shake at all
a rusty metal but a precious one still
a toothy ache within a smile
don't ever change, my weatherbeat
you have to try but naught for me
my be-autiful ornate antique
she taps a complicated rhythm
she feels it in her finger-tips
aching to hold a neck
she reaches out to touch
manipulates her only crutch
head nods with the unsaid
the music only she hears, in her head
planes of consistency she wants to break
wants the earth to shatter, to break
send tremors through her skin
buzz of something more existent
more alive than reality
struck down by mortality.

push me blue
push me pink
push me anyway you think
push me red
push me yellow
i'm feeling mellow,
feeling mellow

you pushed me pink
on the bed
and i woke up feeling hollow
i saw you leave simply red
without so much as a 'hello'
you left me green in my head

you are the clear
are my prism
fading blue again
my ultra-violet romance
my provoker of sin
people look at me like i'm strange
and sometimes i feel alone
no one understand the mania
perpetrator undergoes
lover of the underdog
why do only i sympathise
when young kids with no hope
just grow up to die
i sometimes think i'm sick
for relating so, to sin
but i shake it off like april rain
if life's a game, why shouldn't i win?

i feel like such a stranger
looking from the outside in
sleep strange angel, there's no return now
i've betrayed my brothers and my kin
kiss away the pain
remember the last farewell

boy, i know i'm deranged
that's why i'm in this hell