Sunday 24 February 2013

This is the house I live in
the eyes are in the walls
hands beckon behind the sofa
the blood drips on the floor

This is the house we live in
look underneath our beds
we are so much closer to heaven
because we bring it to the test

This is the house we live in
there's no way of seeing in
we bordered up our insanity
so tight we cannot breathe

This is the house we live in
the one that smells of death
the one that we came to die in
and just couldn't keep to ourselves

This is the house I live in
no plastic on the floor
do you think they'll wash it off
the blood and the pain that it's absorbed

This is the house I live in
i'd invite you in to see
four walls make a home
this house is made of you and me

This is the house we live in
the writing's on the wall
we built this house together
you never screamed very loud at all

'If rape, poison, daggers, arson
Have not yet embroidered with their pleasing designs
The banal canvas of our pitiable lives,
It is because our souls have not enough boldness.'- Baudelaire

Friday 22 February 2013

Mirror Mirror look how you shine
with colours array and beauty divine
but when you're alone you are dull and in pain
you are nothing at all, but an Empty Pane
Shatter Shatter look on my floor
you will find your shards is what I abhor
why don't you ever come out of your frame
all you ever wanted was attention and fame
Darling Darling who's the fairest of them all
it's not you, you belong in a carnival hall

holding candles proverbially

that his words were a candle
to my ear
that burnt
burnt with a fiery passion that hurt
spun out the tapestry
that broke
the ties
and was the fuel that fed
the lies
the lies of a lover who rests their head
on pillow talk and thinks not
when he said
'I love you'
'Forever and Always, my love'
well now my lover look to above
the pit you are condemned to
reaches far
sew your threads like a needle
see how you fare
I know you're in hell
I'll see you there

touch and go

she's stumbling and ducking and looking up
every glanced filled with a Hopeless Refrain
a pathetic string of 'why me's'
courses through her veins
he stutters and splutters and starts and laughs
he thinks 'it's obvious', but where to begin?
he could give her a list of reasons
the who and how's
the ins and outs
but he longs to get stuck in

it's vile and vicious
he feels alive and delicious
he marvels in his
Malicious Attack

but something changed when the word was go
when the pleas and screams stopped
he shudders with fear, its new, a kind he doesn't know
'this is all wrong' he thinks in despair
why is he feeling this way
all he wanted was to touch her but he just isn't prepared
for the endless hole in his stomach
for the point of no return
when she stopped smiling
when the blade sank in

a play on words

watch me in the rhetoric
I have a pleasing sound
I twist and turn and play on tongues
I am a mellifluous kind
I ebb and flow
a honeyed drawl
in mouths butter wouldn't melt
spit me out I fall soft and close
an apple in proverb
I sit so nicely in the fray
a tangible delight
I dance and play and I am always
an honourable end to a fight
men use me when they love and hate
they utter me when they praise
I may stutter and I stumble but
in death I am always heard
'who am I' and
my name you ask
you should not be so absurd
you know me well
and indeed you know me,
I am the spoken word

advice from a caterpillar (Alice Alice series)

can I help you dear you look quite lost
and you have wandered in my midst
this caterpillar with obsidian eyes
will help in your distress
if you fly away like butterflies
at least tell me your name
for I am old and very wise
and I love to hear a tale

Silly Girl you mustn't fret
speak in riddles and in rhymes
don't worry dear I've got all day
relax and take your time
from the refined way you speak
i know you must be quite deranged
if we weren't all mad here
i'd have thought you'd gone insane

flutters and wings, a hundred legs
a Cheshire Cat Grin
Big and Small
you know them all
my patience is wearing thin

we're going round in circles
you'll have to accept your fate:
it's 'whomever fits the glove'
And your glove is quite forsake
oh Father William might be old
but it's you that's lost their brain
i wish to change my mind and leave
your conversation is quite inane

you don't know who you are
im starting to wonder if you are anyone at all

a pool of tears (Alice Alice series)

Alice Alice you're not long for this world
you try to fit in but you don't belong here
try to escape before the nightmare unfurls
lose the petticoat and fly away from your fears
One Dimensional Girl take your off your gloves
don't hold on ceremony, you're in wonderland love

Lucy may fly but Alice drowns in tears
you're only dreaming but you might not leave
look into the abyss the abyss into you leers
silly little rabbit she's lost in her fears

Wayward Alice, they've tricked you downhill
the ground is soft it swallows you whole
through haze of smoke and mind altering pills
you'll never again return to your home

Curiouser and Curiouser this land is insane
a driving force that keeps you alone
wondering where you are and have been
lost in a fairy tale more Grimm