Friday 22 February 2013

a pool of tears (Alice Alice series)

Alice Alice you're not long for this world
you try to fit in but you don't belong here
try to escape before the nightmare unfurls
lose the petticoat and fly away from your fears
One Dimensional Girl take your off your gloves
don't hold on ceremony, you're in wonderland love

Lucy may fly but Alice drowns in tears
you're only dreaming but you might not leave
look into the abyss the abyss into you leers
silly little rabbit she's lost in her fears

Wayward Alice, they've tricked you downhill
the ground is soft it swallows you whole
through haze of smoke and mind altering pills
you'll never again return to your home

Curiouser and Curiouser this land is insane
a driving force that keeps you alone
wondering where you are and have been
lost in a fairy tale more Grimm

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