Thursday 11 July 2013

lake of lacklustre

You're empty 
I can't see behind your eyes
the glass that reflects 
is not your emotion but mine
it's like you've abandoned ship
there's nobody home
you're hiding behind smoke
and I can't see through the decline
(the lights aren't on and nobody's home)
I could pretend you're interesting 
but I can't listen to you as you drone
all I can do is watch you
as you leave me on my own

You used to be so bright
shone like polished stones
traded in for grit dull and sold
your curiosity and your mind
you think your argument is so 
free and self-grown
but you are repeating the line
read by persons on and on

Bright Young Thing why are you so sad
are you looking to a future you never had
why can't you see what you have in front of you
is an ever-changing path
if you think this is happiness 
you are wrong
if you think this is normal
you are having me on
if you think emptiness is a replacement for solving your problems
you are already too far gone

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