Monday 8 July 2013

unnatural law

How dare you presume 
to preside over another kind 
our lives exist by chance
you aren't the be all of life
because to say we were more evolved
does not give you automatic right
to enslave another race
and overuse your might
if you think that this obsession with power
makes you smart and strong
you are wrong
you are just regressing back to 
the primates that we came from
natural law exists in natural state
and this artificial empire 
a dark world does make

I suppose it's okay
when you don't see them
locked in cages
when you can't hear them
crying with pain
they might be out of your sight
but I put it to you that
you are out of your mind
to allow these transgressions 
to not be seen as crime
and the guilt that you would feel
if you saw them writhing
saw them struggling for air
your guilt would choke your airways
and pour out of every pore
(like the blood every day 
drains from them as they die on the floor)

What gives you the right 
to control and abuse
to stand at the top of the world
with everything under you feet for your use
just remember that they sustain you
and in this way they hold the tools
and one day, the day is coming
when every inch of life
that has felt mans disuse 
will stand up and accuse
when we all burn 
it will be them who turn from you
and finally you will feel their hurt

But while the current hierarchy exists
and the greedy and the selfish rule
there is nothing to be done
but the lead by example and 
enlighten a few
and hope the few see the light
and I know if it was within my power
and without fear of afterlife
for every life of every animal
I would give mine

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